About this research seminar series
The objective of this research seminar series is to provide a platform to connect global academics, researchers, and practitioners in industrial and systems engineering, management science, and engineering (covering a broad range of application domains, such as construction, finance, healthcare, logistics and transportation, manufacturing, and supply chain). Distinguished scholars and industrial leaders will share their significant and innovative visions, insights, and ideas with the participants and nurture the younger generation of researchers who will lead our future.
This series of seminars is free and open to the public.
Past Seminar

Chance Professor of Engineering,
University of Birmingham
Cogent Engineering;
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing

Date and time: Dec 7 (Wed), 2022, 20:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Zoom link: https://hku.zoom.us/j/93965533071 Zoom meeting ID: 939 6553 3071
Seminar Title:
Robotic disassembly research – steps towards smart remanufacturing
ANSI RIC001.1-2016 (Specifications For The Process Of Remanufacturing) defines remanufacturing as “a comprehensive and rigorous industrial process by which a previously sold, leased, used, worn, or non-functional product or part is returned to ‘like-new’ or ‘better-than-new’ condition, from both a quality and performance perspective, through a controlled, reproducible, and sustainable process.” Remanufacturing is integral to a circular economy, saving raw materials and other resources including energy and water and drastically cutting greenhouse gas emissions and the need for landfill. The first task in almost all remanufacturing operations is the disassembly of the ‘core’ or the product to be remanufactured. Due to the condition of the used product, disassembly can be a difficult task that has so far been almost exclusively undertaken by human operators. This presentation describes research into robotic disassembly by our Autonomous Remanufacturing Laboratory. The presentation will cover the five areas of work in the Laboratory: disassembly science, disassembly strategies, disassembly planning, collaborative disassembly and disassembly case studies. The presentation will conclude that dawn has broken on research into robotic disassembly, but much work is still needed to enable the widespread industrial application of autonomous robots in disassembly, bringing about a revolution in remanufacturing to achieve truly smart remanufacturing.
Speaker bio:
Duc Truong PHAM OBE FREng FLSW FSME BE PhD DEng FIET FIMechE SFHEA holds the Chance Chair of Engineering at the University of Birmingham. His research is in the areas of intelligent systems, robotics and autonomous systems and advanced manufacturing and remanufacturing technology. He has published over 600 technical papers and books and has graduated more than 100 PhD students. He is a recipient of several awards including five prizes from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Automation Congress and a Distinguished International Academic Contribution Award from the IEEE. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Learned Society of Wales, the Society for Manufacturing Engineers, the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He is the founding editor of the Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, the founding editor-in-chief of Cogent Engineering and the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing.
Upcoming Speakers
(in the order of seminar date and alphabetical order of surname)
Previous Speakers
(in the order of seminar date)
Recorded videos will be available typically in 2 to 4 weeks after the seminar.

Distinguished Professor of UCLA and
Edward Carter Chaired Professor in Business Administration,
UCLA Anderson School of Management
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Seminar title:
Faster Deliveries and Smarter Order Assignments for an On-Demand Meal Delivery Platform

Stefan Minner
Full Professor for Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
School of Management,
Technical University of Munich
International Journal of Production Economics
Seminar title:
A Data-Driven Approach to Strategic Inventory Placement in Multi-Echelon Networks

Professor and Chair of
Sustainable Manufacturing,
Department of Production Engineering,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
International Journal of Manufacturing Research,
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Seminar title:
Brain Robotics for Human-Robot Collaboration

Chancellor's Professor and Department Chair,
Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,
University of California, Berkeley
the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)
Seminar title:
A Practical End-to-End Inventory Management Model with Deep Learning

Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology,
Graduate School of Business,
Stanford University
Founding Faculty Director,
Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED)
Stanford Value Chain Innovations Initiative
Seminar title:
The New Supply Chain Renaissance
Irving T. Ho Chair Professor and Life Distinguished Professor,
National Taiwan University
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Seminar title:
AIoT and Robotics Driving Paradigm Shift of Intelligent Manufacturing Automation

The Carolyn J. Stewart Chair and Professor,
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
IISE Transactions (2017-2020)
Seminar title:
Machine Learning Enabled Quality Improvement in Smart Manufacturing Systems

Chair Professor,
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,
University of Maryland
Automation in Construction
Seminar title:
New Threats and Opportunities in Construction Industry Supply Chains

Tsan-Ming Choi Jason
Professor of Fashion Business,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Transportation Research Part E
Department Editor,
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Senior Editor,
Production and Operations Management
Seminar title:
Supply Chain Coordination with Risk-Sensitive Agents: Recent Advances

Hobart W. Williams Distinguished Service Professor of Operations
University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Operations Research
Seminar title:
The Impact of Supply Chain Network Structure on Risk Propagation

Distinguished Professor of Business Operations and Analytics,
Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto
Naval Research Logistics
Seminar title:
Several Queueing Models in On-Demand Economy

Professor of Logistics and Operations Management,
Department of Technology and Operations Management,
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM),
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Associate Editor,
Transportation Science,
Service Science, andOperations Research
Seminar title:
Statistical Learning in Operations: The Interplay between Online and Offline learning

Jenna & Calvin R. Guest Professor in Business Administration at the Mays Business School,
Eppright University Professorship in Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, and Director of the Supply Chain Consortium, Texas A&M University
Decision Sciences Journal
Seminar title:
Supply Management & Ethical Decision Making: Behavioral Experiments
Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science,
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
General Editor,
International Transactions in Operational Research
Seminar title:
Optimization models in sports scheduling and applications
Professor of Innovative Manufacturing Technology,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Bath
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Seminar title:
Additive Manufacturing of Large Components

Joe W. Forehand/Accenture Distinguished Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Auburn University
INFORMS Journal on Computing
Seminar title:
Innovative Uses of Drones for Last Mile Delivery with a Focus on Healthcare
Professor of Operations Management,
University of Lausanne
Journal of Operations Management
Seminar title:
Building Responsiveness into Supply-Chain Decision Making
Professor of Engineering Systems,MIT Head,MIT Data Science Lab
Management Science
Seminar title:
Statistical Learning in Operations: The Interplay between Online and Offline learning

Alexandre Dolgui
Distinguished Professor and Head of the Automation, Production, and Computer Sciences Department,
IMT Atlantique
International Journal of Production Research
Seminar title:
The ASSISTANT project: AI for high level decision in manufactuing

Department of Statistics and Operations Research,
University of Lisbon
Computers & Operations Research
Seminar title:
Capturing Uncertainty in Districting Problems: Towards more comprehensive modeling frameworks

Kalyan Singhal
McCurdy Professor of Operations Management, Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore
Production and Operations Management,
Management and Business Review
Seminar title:
History of Technology in China and China’s Strategic Options

Full Professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems,
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Politecnico di Milano
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
Seminar title:
Data-Driven Creation and Operation of Digital Twins for Discrete Event Systems

Henrik Lund
Professor in Energy Planning,
Department of Planning,
Aalborg University
Seminar title:
Smart Renewable Energy Systemsand a fully Decarbonized Society
Chair Professor, Department of Business Administration,
National Taiwan University
Advisory Editor (Past Editor-in-Chief)
Transportation Research Part E
Seminar title:
Proactive Medical Resource Allocation and Deployment toward Intelligent Disaster Management

Professor of Operations Management,
Nottingham University Business School China
Industrial Management & Data Systems
Seminar title:
An Authentication Platform based on the Patented 3D Printing Digital Watermarking Technology and Blockchain Technology

Professor of Production Systems,
Head of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Bristol
Seminar title:
Is digital manufacturing smart?

Mike and Sugar Barnes Professor,
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Associate Director for Research Engagement,
Texas A&M Institute of Data Science
Editor-in-Chief ,
IISE Transactions
Date and Time:
Sep 7 (Wed), 2022, 20:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Seminar title:
Data Science for Wind Energy
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
University of Iowa
Director of Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Date and Time:
Sep 14 (Wed), 2022, 20:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Seminar title:
Digital Manufacturing and Service Enterprises

Director of the Design Stream, and Professor-in-Charge of the Design & Human Factors Laboratory,
School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University
Advanced Engineering Informatics
Seminar title:
Design Informatics in Human-Centric Smart Product-Service Systems

Chair Professor,
Industrial & Systems Engineering,
San Jose State University
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Date and Time:
Oct 5 (Wed), 2022, 09:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Seminar title:
Supply Chain Analytics

Humphrey School of Public Affairs,
University of Minnesota
Transportation Research Part D
Date and Time:
Nov 23 (Wed), 2022, 10:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Seminar title:
The charm of machine learning approaches in addressing nonlinear relationships between variables
International Advisory Committee
John Birge, University of Chicago
Tsan-Ming Choi Jason, National Taiwan University
Alexandre Dolgui, IMT Atlantique
Ming Hu, University of Toronto
George G.Q. Huang, The University of Hong Kong
René de Koster, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Xenophon Koufteros, Texas A&M University
Hau L. Lee, Stanford University
Ren C. Luo, National Taiwan University
Stefan Minner, Technical University of Munich
Stephen T. Newman, University of Bath
Henrik Lund, Aalborg University
Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen, The University of Hong Kong
Alice E. Smith, Auburn University
Celso Ribeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense
Francisco Saldanha da Gama, University of Lisbon
Jianjun Shi, Georgia Institute of Technology
David Simchi-Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kalyan Singhal, University of Baltimore
Miroslaw J. Skibniewski, University of Maryland
Christopher S. Tang, University of California, Los Angeles
Suzanne de Treville, University of Lausanne
Lihui Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Organizing Committee
Yong-Hong Kuo (Coordinator)
Junwei Wang
Fangni Zhang
Ray Y. Zhong (Coordinator)
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