Professor of Production Systems,
Head of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Bristol

Date and time: July 20 (Wed), 2022, 20:00 HKT (GMT+8) [Local time]
Zoom link: https://hku.zoom.us/j/93965533071 Zoom meeting ID: 939 6553 3071
Seminar title:
Is digital manufacturing smart?
Abstract: For more than a decade, the wide implementation of sensors and connected devices has been heralded as the next industrial revolution. In this talk, I will review the changes that have taken place in the context of manufacturing systems since the 1960s, consider the latest in the state of the art and the best available future predictions for developments to answer the question of whether “digital manufacturing” and “smart manufacturing” are the same thing.
Speaker bio:
Aydin Nassehi is Professor of Production Systems, a Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), and, the technical secretary of the Academy for production system and organisations as well as the chair of CIRP UK. He is known for his work in digital manufacturing through more than 150 peer-reviewed publications with highly impactful papers on digital twins, hybrid manufacturing and process planning. He is the senior editor for the International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing and leads working groups for international standardisation in smart manufacturing and contributes to ISO/IEC work on smart manufacturing reference models, digital twins for manufacturing and cyberphysical manufacturing systems.