Jianjun Shi
The Carolyn J. Stewart Chair and Professor,
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology
Editor-in-Chief, IISE Transactions (2017-2020)

Seminar title:
Machine Learning Enabled Quality Improvement in Smart Manufacturing Systems
In a smart manufacturing system, a large number of sensors are installed to monitor machine status, process variables, product quality, and the overall system performance. It is always a challenging problem of how to analyze those massive amount of data effectively for cost reduction and quality improvements in all manufacturing companies. This presentation will discuss research opportunities, challenges, and advancements in this important research area, especially how machine learning concepts and algorithms can be used to solve challenging quality improvement problems. Examples of ongoing research projects will be used to articulate the frontiers of this research area. All examples come from real data and problem in industrial production systems. This presentation will emphasize the motivations of these research undertakings: challenges to be overcome, new methods that were developed, validation/implementation undertook, as well as the potential impacts.
Speaker bio:
Dr. Jianjun Shi is the Carolyn J. Stewart Chair and Professor in H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, with a joint appointment in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. Professor Shi’s research is in the area of system informatics and control. He is the founding chairperson of the Quality, Statistics and Reliability Subdivision of INFORMS. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IISE Transactions (2017-2020). Dr. Shi received various awards, including the ASQ Walter Shewhart Medal (2021), the Brumbaugh Award form the American Society for Quality (2019), the IISE David F. Baker Distinguished Research Award (2016), the IISE Albert G. Holzman Distinguished Educator Award (2011), Forging Achievement Award (2007), and Monroe-Brown Foundation Research Excellence Award (2007). He is a Fellow of four professional societies, including INFORMS, IISE, ASME, and ISI. He is an Academician of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ), and a member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE).