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Jiuh-Biing Sheu

Chair Professor,
Department of Business Administration,
National Taiwan University


Advisory Editor (Past Editor-in-Chief), 
Transportation Research Part E


Date and time: May 18 (Wed), 2022, 10:00 HKT (GMT+8)  [Local time]



Video Recording: [link]

Seminar title: 

Proactive Medical Resource Allocation and Deployment toward Intelligent Disaster Management


Abstract: The recent variability in global natural environments and induced disasters including COVID-19 outbreaks surging worldwide are lastingly and unpredictably affecting our lives, leading to more challenges in disaster management. The content of the presentation contains two major parts with two purposes. The first is to summarize the speaker’s published works on emergency logistics management to clarify the issues remaining and motivate more research for potential solutions, including the development of self-organized emergency logistics mobilization and intelligent disaster management (IDM) systems. The second part is to share the speaker’s experience in conducting a government-sponsored IDM-related research project aiming at developing a data-driven methodology for proactive medical resource allocation and deployment using real database provided Taiwan Earthquake impact Research and Information Application (TERIA) platform. The presentation is expected to stimulate our audiences, particularly for scholars and students, to not only create innovative research works, but also better our lives by utilizing advanced IDM technologies to alleviate disaster impact for moving toward the ultimate goal of sustainable development on earth.


Speaker bio: 

Jiuh-Biing Sheu, received his Ph.D. degree (in Traffic Engineering) from Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Irvine (UC-Irvine) in 1997. He holds the chair professor in Department and Graduate Institute of Business Administration, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R,O.C. and serves as the Advisory Editor (Past Editor in Chief, 2013-2018) of Transportation Research Part E. Professor Sheu has published more than one hundred papers, including 34 single-author papers. Sheu’s research areas cover Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Intelligent Logistics, Emergency Logistics, Green Supply Chain Management, Business-to-Business Relationship Marketing, Quantum Optical Flow Theory and its Applications in ITS, Behavioral Operations Management, Green Marketing, Affect Science and Cognition in Decision Science. He received Appointed Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C. in 2021; Outstanding Research Awards from Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, R.O.C. in 2006, 2012, and 2015; and Da-You Wu Outstanding Junior Researcher Award, National Science Council, Taiwan in 2003.

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This seminar series is recommended as course materials of IMSE 7001 at the University of Hong Kong.

For institutes which are interested in referencing the seminars or verifying attendance records, please feel free to contact us.


© Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 2022 

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